Tuesday, April 19, 2016

It's a great steed to end the mission on.

Today we went shopping. That is to say, I'm tired

I've built up a lot of things, as far as resistance goes (for
example, I'm eating a piece of bread with fried fish on top of a layer
of boiled eggs and mayonnaise. Japan.)

Also, my companion and my unicycle. Because I know you wanted to hear
about those.

First the unicycle. I transferred and... actually did not receive a
unicycle. But my new bike provides the same, one-gear experience.
The handlebars are about the width of my shoulders, so I don't have
to worry about throwing myself off on the frogger walks, and there's a
cute little basket in the front. The pedal crank thing is also smaller than
I'm used to, so even on seventh gear, I have to pedal at twice the speed
of my companion to catch up with her. We're probably a great sight.

It's a great steed to end the mission on.

My companion is Japanese, who is adorable and secretly funny. Recently
she's started kidding around with me.

That's it for now - I am low on time, but I'll be home soon, so I can
fill you in on the day's events then.

Love you!

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